Hi Folks, sorry about the delay, we had a few 'issues', one being the computer. This is the map of where we've been the last six days. I hope you all know to click on the pictures you want to enlarge.
http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=211651657169317628289.0004a656226267e9e5f63&msa=0&ll=36.633162,-117.004395&spn=11.382131,14.611816We headed out of Reno on Friday, the 17th, and took the road around the west side of Lake Tahoe. It was up in the snow again, even the lakes were still frozen over. By the time we reached the historic Main St. of Jackson it was hot enough to need some icecream. We spent the night near Jamestown, which is also a historic town. On the 18th, we took a very winding road that followed what used to be a mule train trail across the Sierra Nevada Mountains. We had breakfast at Priest Station, established in 1849 as a mule train depot.
Our planned trip to Yosemite Village was aborted because of a 3 hour wait to get into the valley, so we took Hwy 140 through the southern part of the park along a raging rivers and many magnificent waterfalls. Steve is testing the water which is freezing.
The California coast is very rocky and wild and yet more temperate than Oregon. Rolling hills covered in wild flowers, and curvy roads along cliffs and through lush valleys. It is strange to see cattle grazing beside crashing waves below.
The route to Merced and on to Monterey is through some of California's major agricultural areas. The next two nights, 19th and 20th were spent in Monteray, where we got our laundry done and relaxed awhile.We took the "famed"
17-Mile Drive (at $9.50) around the Monterey Penninsula, which was interesting , but not so different from what we had already seen. The very rich live there in fabulous houses with fantastic views, and that is where the famous Pebble Beach concourse is held at one of the golf courses.
A quick visit to Moss motors for a couple of parts and a tour of the store for the guys. For those of you who are not car nuts, that is where most of thier parts come from.
We spent the night in Santa Barbara